Belgian Sustainability
Business Game
13th Edition
March 1st 2025

Solve real CSR challenges with students from all around the world! Ready for the challenge?

What Is The BSBG ?

The BSBG is the biggest CSR-oriented Business Game in Europe, organised by Junior Consulting Louvain and in cooperation with companies.

Teams of four participants, made up of two independent pairs, face three different challenges, articulated around a single theme: Corporate Social Responsibility. Each challenge is composed of a specific problem.

These case studies, designed by large companies striving to improve their CSR involvement, challenge participants to face real problems they encounter every day. To ensure a unique experience, an exceptional jury—comprising professors from the Université catholique de Louvain, partners’ employees, and industry experts—guarantees the quality, objectivity, and originality of the business game.

The BSBG is open from the 2nd year of the baccalaureate to students from all over the world. We encourage the inter-faculty, international and multidisciplinary teams as we believe they foster innovative thinking!

Our Partners

Venue: Brussels Marriott Hotel Grand Place

The Brussels Marriott Hotel Grand Place offers an exceptional setting for the Belgian Sustainability Business Game (BSBG). Located in the heart of Brussels, just steps away from the iconic Grand Place, this prestigious venue combines elegance, comfort, and state-of-the-art facilities to provide an outstanding experience for participants. With its modern conference spaces, advanced technological infrastructure, and commitment to sustainability, the Brussels Marriott Hotel Grand Place perfectly aligns with the mission of BSBG. The central location ensures seamless accessibility, while the hotel's dedication to excellence fosters an environment that encourages collaboration, strategic thinking, and impactful innovation. By hosting BSBG at this renowned venue, we create an inspiring atmosphere where future leaders can develop and present sustainable business solutions in a professional and dynamic setting.


Explore testimonials from past participants and sponsors.

LSM Cup 2019 Winner

The LSM Cup was one of my bachelor’s most rewarding challenges. It’s an intense day, where you have to adapt yourself to new teams, being creative respecting short deadlines in order to find solutions for big companies. These few hours allowed me to learn so much, all this in an incredible atmosphere. We all come out winners, don’t hesitate to try the experience!

— Raquel Salvador

Former CEO at AFC Leuven

To me, the LSM Cup was a great opportunity to apply my technical knowledge and use creativity to solve problems that go beyond day-to-day business. Solving CSR-related cases with a real impact in an diligently prepared environment was what made the LSM Cup stand out to me from other Business Games.

— Hendrik Van Putten

LSM Cup 2019 Participant

For bringing me a unique experience compared to what every Business student practices, I can only recommend you to participate. You will come out of it winners, with or without prize.

— LSM 2019 participant

Union Wallonne des Entreprises, LSM Cup 2019 Jury

The LSM Cup is a real win-win! A win for companies, by bringing ‘out-of-the-box’ ideas to their strategy, sometimes surprising, often innovative. Win for students, who have a unique opportunity to analyze in a few hours a case of business strategy, in an agile and collaborative way. Their output will then be submitted to the evaluation of a professional jury coming from different horizons, and will perhaps seduce the managers of the company that launched this challenge!

— Olivier de Wasseige

JE Belgium, Former LSM Cup Main Organizer

The LSM Cup is a unique experience. Being immersed for a day in a sponsor’s office and solving the cases as a team makes it an intense and challenging event. I had the opportunity to participate two years ago and then to organize it last year. This allowed me to acquire an experience and live unforgettable moments. If you have the opportunity to participate, don’t hesitate for a moment!

— Geraldine Staumont

LSM Cup Participant

The LSM Cup is an opportunity every student interested in CSR, should seize. The circulation of ideas and the fruitful debates allowed me to see things in a different way. Strongly recommend !

— Valère Piérard